Top 10 Workers’ Compensation Injuries

Have you ever wondered what are the most frequent injuries in workers’ compensation claims? Well, the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries provides labor statistics on their website that ranks injuries by fiscal year for accepted state fund claims. It is important that these statistics only include the numbers for claims that the Department […]

Success Story – Mrs. Thompson and the 30 year claim

Unfortunately, many people are injured at work, especially in labor intensive employments. In fact, in 2020, the US had roughly 4 million work-related injuries that required medical treatment. In Washington State 3.5 per 100 full-time workers are injured. Once a worker is injured, they should file a claim with the Department of Labor and Industries […]

Getting to Know WWO: Kathy Chauvin

Q. What is something you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t yet? A. Travel to the Netherlands. Q. What’s your favorite way to spend a three day weekend? A. Working in the yard when it’s nice and having BBQ’s with my kids. Q. What was the craziest job you’ve had? A. I haven’t really had […]

Getting to Know WWO: Ann Bronson

Q. Schooling or life experiences, which do you feel best prepares you for life? A. As much as I loved school, it has to be life experiences Q. What would your perfect weekend look like? A.  Sleeping in – going shopping with my girlfriend or mother in law – having a nice dinner– working out […]

Getting to Know WWO: Holly Schlottmann

Q. What do you miss most about being a kid? A. Having no responsibilities and being able to play all day. Q. What chore do you absolutely hate doing? A.  Folding Clothes! Q. If you could own a mythical creature, which one would you pick? A.  Unicorn Q. What is one of your favorite quotes? […]

Getting to Know WWO: Julie Hatcher

Q. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? A.  First, sleeping in.  Second, spending time with my husband and family.   Q. Would you rather have your dishes or clothes be magically clean? A. Clothes. Q. What product could you not live without? A. Lotion is a must have! Q. What do you remember […]

Getting to Know WWO: Breanna Knittle

Q. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? A. Either Austin, Texas or Florence, Italy. Q. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? A. Without a doubt, cleaning. Q. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? A. “it builds character” […]

Getting to Know WWO: Doug Wyckoff

Q. When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time? A. Reading, gardening. I used to follow Husky football, when that existed. Q. What are you currently (or most recently) reading? A. “Blitzed!” A story about how Germany’s pharmaceutical companies supplied meth and cocaine to the Nazi soldiers during World War II. […]


With the State of Washington reopening, there are concerns that returning workers could be exposed to COVID-19 while on the job. So, if you are exposed on the job, what do you do? We are here to help answer these questions! CAN I FILE A CLAIM WITH L&I IF I HAVE BEEN EXPOSED WHILE AT […]


All parties have the same appeal rights. Any party (employer or injured worker) can appeal an Order from the Department of Labor and Industries (Department) to the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals (Board.) BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE APPEALSThe Board is a state agency which is separate from the Department of Labor and Industries. The Board’s […]


Beginning July 1, 2024, we have transitioned to our new firm of Ostrander & Deuel, PLLC. We are the same firm and staff, but just with a new name and new partner. 

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